Capacity Allocation Log
TSP Name: Equitrans, L.P. (TSP: 189569585)
Schedule Id | Sequence No | Company Id | Contract Id | Shipper | Pipeline Affiliation with Shipper[1] | Shipper Type[2] | Type of Service[3] | Text | Footnote[4] |
1 Pipeline Affiliation with Shipper
Y - Respondent affiliated with shipper
N - Respondent not affiliated with shipper
2 Shipper Type
1 - LDC/distributor
2 - Interstate pipeline
3 - Intrastate pipeline
4 - End user
5 - Producer
6 - Marketer
7 - Pipeline sales operating unit
8 - Other (specify in footnote)
3 Type of Service
FT - Firm Transportation
IT - Interuptible Transportation
SC - Storage Capacity
SI - Storage Injection
SW - Storage Withdrawal
4 Footnote
Y - Footnote is provided for this record.
N - No footnote provided.
*This data represents data available within the last 3 months. For prior data to this time period, please contact your customer service representative.