General Terms and Conditions
TSP Name: Equitrans, L.P. (TSP: 189569585)
6 -General Terms & Conditions Index
6.1 -Definitions
6.3 -Measurement
6.4 -Quality
6.5 -Equality of Services
6.6 -Procedures for Requesting and Contracting for Service
6.7 -Flexible Receipt and Delivery Points
6.10 -Force Majeure
6.11 -Operational Flow Orders
6.12 -Determination of Deliveries and Imbalances
6.13 -Billing, Payment and Reimbursement
6.14 -Notices
6.15 -Duly Constituted Authorities
6.16 -Control and Possession of Gas
6.17 -Warranty of Title and Indemnification
6.18 -Assignments
6.19 -Non-Waiver of Future Default
6.20 -Descriptive Headings
6.21 -Pregranted Abandonment
6.22 -Capacity Release
6.23 -Market Centers
6.24 -Compliance with the Standards of Conduct
6.25 -Discounting
6.26 -Customer Activities and Informational Postings Website
6.27 -Creditworthiness
6.28 -Right of First Refusal
6.29 -Annual Charge Adjustment Clause (ACA)
6.30 -Negotiated Rates
6.31 -Transportation, Gathering & Storage Retainage Adjustment
6.32 -Products Extraction
6.33 -Crediting of Penalty Revenues
6.34 -Policy with Respect to the Construction of New Facilities
6.35 -North American Energy Standards Board ("NAESB")
6.36 -Market Segmentation
6.37 -Security Cost Tracker (SCT) Mechanism
6.38 -Pipeline Safety Cost (PSC) Rate
6.39 -Third-Party Capacity
6.40 -Allocation, Expansion, and Reservation of Capacity
6.42 -Non-Conforming Agreements
6.43 -Termination of Service Agreement